
Like many other towns, Elmer waited until after a big fire with the loss of several thousand dollars before forming a fire company. In the early morning of January 9, 1901, a fire destroyed two large stores and a house on the west side of Main Street, between Broad Street and the Railroad also damaging two store buildings on the east side on Main Street. The Borough Council immediately took steps for some organized fire protection and on February 10, 1901, appointed the following citizens to institute and organize a volunteer fire company: C.P. Creamer D.C. Christy W. Foster Richards C.S. Burroughs J. Harry Kandle Len. Lawrence Charles Kiger Albert Langley Adam Kandle John H. Berry Charles H. Huges Clem Fithian. These man met the next evening, February 11, 1901 and elected the following officers: President - D.C. Christy Secretary - C.S. Burroughs Treasurer - Adam Kandle and decided to call themselves the Elmer Volunteer Fire Company No. 1. The first regular meeting was held February 25, 1901, at which time W. Foster Richards was elected Chief, and as an inventory showed that the borough owned only three pieces of fire equipment : one roof ladder and two wall ladders. A committee was appointed to ask the Borough Council to provide $600.00 to purchase a book and ladder wagon. The council generously responded and the wagon was procured that year. The first fire to which the new company was called a chimney fire on March 12, 1901. The first gong arrived in March 1901, but owing to their inability to secure a suitable location for same, it was not placed in position in December. February 1902, the company decided to join the New Jersey Fireman's Association. On December 29, 1902, Adam Kandle was elected Chief and held that position until his death, January 2, 1914. Henry T. Bell who had been assistant, was then appointed Chief by the Borough Council and held that position for 25 years. He resigned March 1, 1939. In 1909, a chemical engine of 40 gallons capacity was added to the company's equipment. In 1909, the original Borough Hall and Fire House on Broad Street was erected. This building was demolished in 1967. The fire company met there for the first time on January 31, 1910. In 1910m another fire company was formed under the name of the Independent Fire Company, there following officers were elected: President - William Madara Secretary - Leon Nelson Treasurer - Charles Nichols In 1912, the Elmer Water Company started the construction of a water supply system, and on February 19, 1913 the pumping engines were started. Six days later, on February 25, the fire companies were notified that water was available incase of fire. An official test of the plant was made on March 1, 1913 by Chief Adam Kandle and the two fire companies. However, it was two years later, on March 17, 1915 that the two fire companies consolidated, and the new organization was known as the Elmer Fire Department, and at once decided that new equipment was necessary for the protection of the Borough. On August 4, 1925 a triple combination motor truck was placed in service and in 1926 an electric siren was installed. On September 21, 1940, a new 500-gallon pumper was added to the fire fighting equipment, and the electric siren was replaced with a federal air horn. In 1950, the old combination pumper was discarded and a new 500-gallon pumper with a 500-gallon water tank was placed in service. In 1953, a utility truck was purchased and placed into service to carry equipment that would not fit on the pumper. There were no major developments until 1963 when Borough Council, faced with the prospect of adding on to the old school which had been converted to the Borough Hall, realized the cost to the taxpayers would be quite high. With this in mind, the Fire Department was approached and asked if they would build a hall to house the fire fighting equipment. Members of the department had long dreamed of a building of their own. They accepted the request and began making plans and conducting activities to raise the money. The old gravel hole was purchased from Henry Olsen and a building was erected by the firemen under the direction of Past Chief Charles E. Dodge. In August, 1964 the new hall was dedicated and a new GMC Hahn 750 gallon per minute pumper was placed in service. In 1966, Elmer was the first department in Salem County to implement the use of radio home alarms to alert the firemen to a fire. The new system greatly reduced the time it took to get equipment in route to a call. The following year a new utility van was placed in service. In 1971, a new GMC Hahn 750-gallon per minute pumper was placed in service. In 1974, an addiction was started to the present hall for use as a meeting room, and was completed in 1975. In 1980, the Fire Department purchased a used utility bucket truck and converted it into a snorkel which they equipped with 1000-gallon per minute combination nozzle; with this purchase, Elmer became the first Fire Department in Salem County to be equipped with a snorkel. Pole Tavern Ruritan Club equipped the truck with a three-bottle, 3600-pound Cascade Air-System which has the capability of filling in excess of 20 Scott Air-Pak bottles at a fire scene. In 1984, a fourth bay was added to the hall to house the Snorkel truck; also in 1984, Mr. Clyde Corathers donated the last surviving fire gong, which stood on his property for many years, to the Fire Department. It now stands adjacent to the Fire Hall. In January 1986 the Department placed in service a Ford Pierce 1000-gallon per minute Pumper with 1000-gallon tank which was dedicated in honor of Past Chief Robert S. Bell. In 1989 the Snorkel truck was upgraded with a 1984 International chassis. In December 1991 the Department placed in service the International Air, Light, and Support Unit. The three bottle Cascade System which was on the Snorkel truck was upgraded to a five bottle system and placed on the new truck. The truck is also equipped with 16,000 watt power take off generator, with 2- 1500 watt telescopic lights mounted on back and 2- 250 foot electric rewind cord reels mounted on each side. The truck also has 4- SCBA's (self contained breathing apparatus) mounted in the truck and 2 more packs in cases and has room for 12 spare SCBA bottles. The truck is equipped with a High Band Radio, Low Band Radio, and a Mobile Telephone so it can serve as a communication center on a fire scene. In June of 2001, the department placed in service a 2001 KME pumper. This pumper has 1500-gallon per minute side mount pump with a 750-gallon water tank. The truck has a 4 door enclosed cab capable of holding up to 6 firefighters. The pumper is equipped with an amps generator that has 2- 1500 watt lights mounted on the back of the cab and has 2- 1000 watt lights mounted on the rear of the truck. On the passenger side of the truck there is a 35 ft. and a 24 ft. extension ladders, and an 8 ft. step ladder. These ladders are mounted on the truck in a unique horizontal position instead of the traditional vertical position. The drivers side of the truck has 4 compartments for holding additional equipment such as nozzles, fittings, and tools.

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